Monday, August 06, 2007

Foodz 1.1

Potato and Leek Soup - Exactly as it's described. It's a modified version of what I read online and in several books. The main and probably key idea I stole was the inclusion of a roux. It gives the soup a really great level of richness. I included carrots for additional flavor, which wasn't called for. At the end I added fresh chopped scallions to counter the other flavors, to which I enjoyed.

Recipe is as follows:

6-7 yukon gold potatoes (or other I guess) scrubbed clean and cubed in 1-inch chunks
3/4 lb. of carrots (I used baby carrots) in biteable size
3 leeks chopped in 1-inch pieces
1 cup heavy cream
3 tbsp butter, melted
1/2 cup of flour
6 quarts of water
3/4 tsp of dried thyme (or whatever the fresh equivalent is)
salt and pepper
green onions (optional)

1. Put the water. potatoes, leek and carrots in a large pot and bring to a boil. Boil for 15-20 minutes, or until it looks like a well-combined mixture. You know, it just looks delicious. While this is boiling make the roux by combining the melted butter and flour to make a paste. Try not to eat the butter flour, tempting it may be.

2. Turn down to a simmer and add the thyme and roux. Add salt and pepper to taste. At this point the soup should look fairly thick. Not thick enough! In a blender or food processor, place batches of the soup in and blend it up real good. Put your focus on the carrots. They make nice orange speckles in the soup, resulting in bonus presentation points. You don't have to blend the entire batch of soup, unless you're anti-chunk (which makes you a nazi).

3. At this point the soup is souper (wordplay! lame.) thick. Add the cream and call it a day. Serve and put some chopped green onion on top if you like. Serve with a classy beer. Like Miller High Life.

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